Top signs of an unhealthy scalp
Since most people don't realize their scalp is unhealthy, here are a few things you can do to better understand...

Your scalp is the hidden culprit for your hair problems
A majority of people don't realize their have an unhealthy scalp. They assume that if they don't have visible dandruff,...

Why did your Mother have better hair than you?
Your elders knew the benefits of regular scalp & hair oiling and also practiced it. When you were a child,...

Myths of modern hair care
There are two fundamental philosophies about health in this world. The first assumption is that the body is not intelligent,...

The benefits of dosha balancing hair care
Dosha Balancing Hair Care System The Dosha Balancing Hair Care system includes time-tested Ayurvedic hair growth ingredients – but the...

What to expect as you use the Dosha Balancing Oils
With consistent 3x per week use, you would start to see signs of improved hair/scalp health and reduced hair loss...

Demo - How to apply the oils
A clean scalp is important for the Hair Growth Oil to work well. Therefore, start first with the Scalp Prep...

Stop starving your hair roots
Hair fall, unhealthy hair is called Khalitya in the classical Ayurvedic texts. Khalitya is an imbalance in the tridoshas of scalp -...

Dosha Balance is the core of Ayurveda
Excessive hair loss is called Khalitya in the classical Ayurvedic texts. Khalitya is diagnosed as an imbalance in all the...