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"Get your Best Hair" eBook

Bad Hair? Hair Fall?

Two-Oils to
solve hair problems

Improve scalp health to Reduce Hair Loss
and Improve Hair Quality

Better Hair in Six Weeks

"In authentic Ayurveda, you have to prepare before you treat. My patients have been getting great results with my two-oil, hair-care routine for many years" -Dr. Nambi

Oil 1 : Prepare
Scalp Prep Oil

Scalp buildup prevents nutrition from reaching hair roots. This is from pollution, hard water, grime, dandruff, and importantly shampoo/chemical residue etc

Oil1 (Scalp Prep Oil) cleans out this buildup, so Oil 2 (Hair Growth Oil) can nourish.

Oil 2 : Nourish
Hair Growth Oil

1. Powerful Ayurvedic hair growth ingredients (Bhringraj, Brahmi, Amla etc.) to deep nourish hair roots.

2. Dosha balancing ingredients to make the scalp balanced & healthy. Healthy scalp means healthy roots. Healthy roots means that hair growth nutrients are actually absorbed

Basic Starter Kit - Two Oils Basic Starter Kit - Two Oils
Quickshop Reduce hair loss and improve hair health in six weeks. The Two-Oils...
Basic Starter Kit - Two Oils
Regular price Rs. 660.00 Rs. 770.00 Sale price
What do users say?
Benefits after about 6 weeks

Users shared the following results


Mentioned that hair-loss was reduced


Experienced better scalp health


Mentioned improved hair quality


Remarked that process was convenient

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Dosha Balancing Hair Care
Two-Oil Starter Kits

Every Starter Kit includes the two oils - the Scalp Prep Oil and the Hair Growth Oil, and reduces your hair fall in about six weeks.
Start your prepare/nourish, two-oil hair care journey now!

Basic Starter Kit - Two Oils Basic Starter Kit - Two Oils
Quickshop Reduce hair loss and improve hair health in six weeks. The Two-Oils...
Basic Starter Kit - Two Oils
Regular price Rs. 660.00 Rs. 770.00 Sale price

Top Questions

To Cleanse & Prepare we have Sweta Kutaja, Dattura, Tulasi, plus Amlaki, Bibhitaki, Haritaki to provide gentle dosha balancing

To Dosha Balance/Rebalance your scalp (i.e. Vata, Pitta & Kapha) and improve health of hair roots, the following dosha balancing herbs are used: Sariba, Manjishta, Vacha, Yasti, Aswagandha & Satavari

For Hair Growth & Nutrition we have powerful herbs such as Bhringaraj, Amla, Brahmi, Maricha, Kaidarya, Devadaru

We use premium quality, cold-pressed coconut oil for the two oils.


It barely takes 5 minutes to apply and won't disturb your daily routine. The process is the same for both the oils.

You apply the oils 3 times per week. Warm slightly and apply directly to scalp - and massage with your fingers for about 2 minutes.
You can then go about your regular chores - and wash off after about 45 minutes (or a muhurta)

You should apply the two-oils 3 times a week for the first six weeks.

First, start with the Scalp Prep Oil - apply 3 times in the first week. This will cleanse your scalp of buildup, dandruff etc. The buildup removal ensures the dosha balancing and nourishment from the Hair Growth Oil will be better absorbed.

If dandruff persists, use Scalp Prep Oil 2 more times and then shift over to the Hair Growth Oil - which you also apply 3 times a week.

Occasionally use the Scalp Prep Oil, so as to keep the scalp clean and buildup-free. And then continue again with the Hair Growth Oil.

Dr Nambi has advanced education (MD in Ayurveda) in Dravyaguna, the science of Ayurvedic pharmacology - which is in deeply understanding herb combinations. As a professor and HOD in two Ayurvedic colleges, he also taught the Dravyaguna subject.

This specialized education and over 27 years of clinical experience in providing dosha balancing treatments for his patients helped Dr Nambi design this special two-oil routine.

Shampooing normally strips essential oils and unbalances the scalp. Our Gentle Natural Shampoo is mild and designed to lessen such imbalances. Plus the Hair Nourishing Elixir can quickly rebalance the scalp and provide all day nourishment.

However, if you don't shampoo regularly, you do not need the shampoo or elixir - the two oils are enough. You can use this guide with 2 simple questions to help decide which kit is best for you.

Dosha imbalances cause unhealthy scalp wherein hair follicles become dormant or weak due to lack of nutrition. These weak or dormant hair roots can either die (causing baldness) or be revived through proper nutrition.

The dosha balancing, two-oils provide nutrition to revive dormant or weak follicles and you will be able to experience hair growth in areas where follicles have gone dormant.

However areas where the hair has not been growing for a long time means the roots are likely dead and it is impossible to revive them. 

Baldness is due to dead hair follicles and no science can revive something that is dead. So, no - the dosha balancing hair oils will not help cure baldness.

Dosha Balancing Hair Care
Two-Oil Starter Kits

Every Starter Kit includes the two oils - the Scalp Prep Oil and the Hair Growth Oil, and reduces your hair fall in about six weeks.
Start your prepare/nourish, two-oil hair care journey now!

Enhanced Starter Kit - Two Oils + Shampoo Enhanced Starter Kit - Two Oils + Shampoo
Quickshop Reduce hair loss and improve hair health in six weeks. The Two-Oils...
Enhanced Starter Kit - Two Oils + Shampoo
Regular price Rs. 950.00 Rs. 1,190.00 Sale price
"My vision is to provide effective, convenient and complete hair care - at an affordable monthly cost"
-Dr. Nambi Namboodiri
Chief Physician

Dr Nambi Namboodiri

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Dr. Nambi Namboodiri, MD (Ayur) has been practicing for over 27 years - specifically in the areas of chronic illness, diabetes, joint, skin, hair, children's health among others. He is also the Director of Nagarjuna, a 70-bed Ayurvedic hospital in Kerala.

Dr Nambi is a former Professor, HOD and a renowned speaker - travelling across the world sharing Ayurveda's approach on continually balancing doshas for optimum health.

Dr Nambi has been providing dosha balanced, two-oil hair care for his patients for a while - with excellent results. These oils are now available, so everyone can benefit.
Dr Nambi's
Ultimate Ayurvedic Hair Care Book
50+ pages of insights, mythbusting and
guidance on how to get to your best hair
This text can be used to share information about your brand with customers.
Dosha Balancing Hair Care
Two-Oil Starter Kit

Every Starter Kit includes the two oils - the Scalp Prep Oil and the Hair Growth Oil, and reduces your hair fall in about six weeks.
Start your prepare/nourish, two-oil hair care journey now!

Complete Starter Kit - Two Oils + Shampoo + Elixir Complete Starter Kit - Two Oils + Shampoo + Elixir
Quickshop Reduce hair loss and improve hair health in six weeks with the...
Complete Starter Kit - Two Oils + Shampoo + Elixir
Regular price Rs. 1,270.00 Rs. 1,650.00 Sale price