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"Get your Best Hair" eBook

Dosha Balancing Mentoring

For your best hair

In my experience as a doctor, I have seen that people start seriously, but after some time get diverted due to other priorities. For any health regimen consistency is the key. So it is, for haircare too.

The first six weeks can give you great benefits and also build a good habit of healthy haircare, the dosha balancing way. So please take take advantage of my mentorship and guidance to help you to be disciplined and consistent:

  • Weekly Live Mentorship/Q&A sessions with me
  • Private Facebook Group for help and support
  • Hair Care App to help you remain consistent

  • My main ask of you: Follow the plan consistently for the coming weeks – so you can get all the benefits of dosha balancing hair care.

    I look forward to guiding you in the coming weeks and months – and getting you to your best hair!

    -Dr. Nambi

    Live Mentoring Q&A Sessions

    Ask Dr. Nambi Anything

    Join weekly live AMA (Ask Me Anything) sessions where you can get health guidance directly from Dr. Nambi.
    Feel free to send in your question ahead of time! Will answer hair care questions first, but you can ask questions on any health topic.
    Be consistent

    Ayushoveda Hair Care App

    Use the simple Dosha Balancing Hair Care app to stick to your schedule, and build a good habit. Reap the benefits of your best hair.
    No spam, no sign-ups, no selling; just hair care guidance.

    Download for Apple phones.

    Download for Android phones.

    Hair Care Community

    Exclusive Facebook Group

    Hosted by Dr. Nambi
    Ayushoveda Dosha Balancing
    For all your questions, events, demos and support of a helpful community on the same dosha balancing hair care journey!
    Strict no-spam policy.